Belmont County Genealogical Society Logo

Membership in the Belmont County Genealogical Society

  • Membership to the Belmont County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society is open to anyone interested in genealogy. Members receive a quarterly newsletter and may submit queries free of charge. There is a query charge for nonmembers.
  • Dues are $12.00 for a single membership or $15.00 for a joint (2 persons in one household, 1 mailing)/family  membership.
  • Dues are paid January for the current year.
  • To become a member, you complete the payment here on our website or print out and send the completed application (Download PDF Here) along with a check or money order (sorry no credit cards accepted through the mail) to:
    • Belmont County Chapter, OGS
      P. O. Box 285
      Barnesville, OH 43713
Become a Member